7:28 AM

An interesting experience

So yesterday I was feeling in the funk zone and rather depressed. I feel much better today... How ever there was someone here astrally speaking.. I don't know whom this person was or where they came from.. but this person helped me out a great deal. It was as though it was my guardian angel watching over me and helped pull me out of a serious depression like state that I was in. I really appreciate it very much. This person taught me a nice trick to help me focus my mind more, because I have ADHD and ADD and it makes it nearly impossible to focus when I try to mediate. But the trick seems to work most of the time. Basically when I feel as though my thoughts are getting too jumbled up for me to understand the difference between my thoughts, and residual thoughts from the past, I just close my eyes.. take a long deep breath.. then tell myself the following phrase... When I count to ten, my mind will be clear. My soul will be connected to my body and I will conquer this. When I am done counting, I will have control of my mind again. ... Then after I count to ten, my mind is suddenly clear and I can think clearly! I was so surprised when he (the person I was in reference to is a male) taught me this trick. I want to say it was Arch Angel Michael.. but I am not sure whom it was... but they are still with me and it makes me happy because I don't feel so alone. :) Every time I start to panic he talks me through and tells me to focus on his voice, and it helps me not get into a panic attack or fall back into depression. So thank you! Thank you to whom ever you are, because I am sure you are looking over my shoulder and reading this as I type it! <3

Bless your heart, and your soul!
